So I drove my moto about 30 kilometers east to this town called Lopburi. Interesting place.....there are monkeys everywhere! Pretty much like squirrels everywhere in Ohio, but if you ask me....way more cool. There is a really old temple built there in honor of, or respect of, or something of the monkeys (marrissa, katie, is this true?) because they have been living with the people for so long. That's the picture above. Below is a couple vids of the monkeys being monkeys. I also visited a couple of the discoteques....but what can I say, it was fun, but they were pretty much like discoteques everywhere. The end.
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wow so cute! be careful though, in new dehli the monkeys apparently swarmed a politician who was standing on the balcony of his house, causing him to fall to his death (
It is true! It started out as one small family of monkeys living at Phra Prang Sam Yod (the Monkey Temple), and the locals loved having them around so they began feeding them regularly. Well, what happens when you feed monkeys...they multiply! So now the temple, and the town, is overrun with Macaques, and they are extremely destructive, but they have become such a tourist attraction that they are allowed free reign. They also are left alone because of Buddhist beliefs about non-harming regarding animals. There is a group of monkeys that rides the train between Auyutthaya and Lopburi. They will board the train at Lopburi, take off for a week or two to Auyutthaya, and then migrate back to Lopburi on the train. While I was there last, I was sitting in the square having lunch and was watching a pair of them playing around on the powerlines and looking into people's apartment windows (which have bars across so they can't get in). Then one of the monkeys got into a transformer that was on the powerline pole, and he electrocuted himself and all I saw was a monkey body plummeting to earth and tufts of hair flying. It was crazy! I guess it's a pretty regular occurrence, as the locals just kind of shrugged it off? Those monkeys are nuts. I also saw one peeling a bumper sticker off of a car while a horde of them were trying to get in through the front window, hahahaha, and one monkey stole a camera from a German tourist and took off running. I doubt he ever recovered it. Watch your shit closely around those monkeys!!!
holy shit
you're such a downer
just sayin, maybe you can harness them to do your bidding...
NO! this is incredible! I am going to be daydreaming about life in a monkey town all the time now. One time, I was watching this video of these macaques--it was a hidden camera thing. They stormed this house and stole a cake that was cooling---REALLY great footage of this monkey running with this huge cake on a platter. I am JEALOUS.
Anyway---hope your first day is amazing. hopefully, we can skype soon.
So jealous of all this monkey action!
p.s. I love how that big monkey totally rules that little concrete-plateau area
you find that video and you send it to me NOW
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